Tufted Titmice are monogamous, forming pairs that can last years. Once they've chosen a territory they stay and defend it year round. They look for natural cavities usually made by woodpeckers and sometimes bird houses to build their nests.

In early spring, most young disperse from their winter flocks, establish territories, find mates, and begin to breed. However some offspring may remain even longer on their natal territories to help their parents raise their siblings.
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Related Articles:
- Is it “Titmice” or “Titmouses”? http://bit.ly/yImBcF
- Camouflaged Titmouse Fits Right In http://bit.ly/w0f2us
- Bird Guilds: How different birds band together to survive http://goo.gl/fMGaA
- Why is the Titmouse Tongue So Short? http://bit.ly/yds9Mm
- Tufted Titmouse fun facts http://bit.ly/AfIA7H
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