As I showed customers the House Finch drama throughout the day, people kept asking what the difference was between the House Finch and the Purple Finch.
Fun Facts
The House Finch has not always been found in the eastern United States. In 1940, they were illegally captured in California and imported to New York by pet dealers. Fearing prosecution, the dealers released their “Hollywood Finches” on Long Island in 1940. Since then the finches have spread to all corners of the east and have even rejoined their relatives in the west.

Purple Finches Carpodacus purpureus are not really drawn to human dwellings, preferring wooded areas and nesting high up in conifer trees. The males have a slight crest on their head and a lighter red above the eye and the females have a white eyebrow. The males’ chests are streaked with pink as well as a little brown. The Purple Finch is actually about 6” too but looks more compact or chubbier, with its legs bent close to the body.
Related Articles:
- House Finches: Those Year-round Red Heads
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- How to have more colorful birds at your feeder
- Why male and females are a different color
- Remove all winter wreaths before finches begin nesting in them
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