Bird Watching Is Good For The Soul!

Unknown Saturday, December 3, 2011

Author: Gini Bond
Have you ever seen someone look up at a bird in wonder as it soared overhead? I have. In fact, I've done it myself! Birds are the only creatures in this world that are able to sail across the sky and literally look down on the rest of us with a complete sense of freedom. That may be one of the main reasons why a lot of people watch our winged friends so intently—sheer envy! Bird watching has the unique ability to put your mind and your senses in a relaxed state of awe. You almost feel as metaphorically lifted up as these creatures are literally! It allows you to be a participant in the beauty of nature.
Bird watching is not just an ordinary hobby that anyone can do. It requires more than just a physical presence; this is one of those rare pastimes that requires an involvement on an almost spiritual level as well. In other words, your heart must be in it too! Serious bird watchers have a love for nature and a fascination for how our feathered friends interact with each other and with their own environments. It can also be extremely exciting as you begin to discover species you've never run across, along with new behaviors, and even songs you've never before heard. Many species have almost exotic courtship rituals that are extremely interesting, and you can even observe how many gently and protectively care for their young.
This hobby does require some equipment, but nothing extraordinary. A good pair of binoculars, a field guide, a notebook, and a camera are really all you need. The main requirement is a passion for birds!
As you begin to pursue this hobby you will find an amazing sense of pleasure and satisfaction. They are fascinating, astonishing animals, and you may soon find yourself addicted to this great sport. You'll become aware of just how wonderful our world really is, and soon you may even find yourself wanting to play an active role in protecting their habitats.
You can find out much more about this extraordinary hobby at
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