Why is the blackbird associated with evil and ill omens?

Image by Ben Templesmith via FlickrWhy are birds with black plumage the subject of so many unpleasant stories and superstitions all over the world? The only conclusion that I can come to is because a lot of these black colored birds are clever enough to out smart people. Crows, Grackles, and Starlings are...

Create a Certified Wildlife Habitat

Image via WikipediaGet Started Now: Certify Your Habitat! Join the thousands of wildlife enthusiasts across the country who have been recognized for creating havens for neighborhood wildlife in their very own yards. These individuals have provided the essential elements for healthy and sustainable wildlife habitats and...

Umbrella Tree

Image by Loz Flowers via FlickrFall storms are here. Sunny to gray all in one day. You got to love mid-Michigan weather! Sam Spenser's 'Bloom' at the wapping proje...

Did you notice a lot of birds at the feeder before the storm hit?

Before the storm rolled through mid-Michigan on Tuesday I noticed the birds' frenzied attack on the food in the feeders. Could they predict that tornado-like winds were about to hit? Most birds have a special middle-ear receptor called the Vitali organ, which can sense incredibly small changes in barometric...

American Robin with White Feathers

If you look at the range map you’ll see that there are winter populations of America Robins  in most states year round. Yes, year round. Robins are surprisingly hardy birds, capable of surviving temperatures well below zero. But that doesn’t mean sightings are common year round. After nesting season has ended, they...

Our Fifth New Species for the Year

18-24 OctoberAs I made my way out to Wing Island along the boardwalk this week, I was greeted by clouds of robins ascending from the island to the skies. It certainly seems to be a good roost site, with loads of berries for an early morning breakfast before heading off. Surprisingly we only captured one robin this week...

Crows: Are they Feathered Apes?

Image via WikipediaAs Halloween approaches you may be seeing fake crows used as decorations in frightful displays. But even though cultures around the world may regard the crow as a bad omen or a nuisance, this bad reputation might overshadow what could be regarded as the crow’s most striking characteristic...

What says eh-eh, yank-yank?

Trick question. It's a conversation between Dolly and a Red-breasted Nuthatch. Dolly is behind the window of course. The first thing new customers say when they walk in the door of the Wild Birds Unlimited-East Lansing store is, "Isn't it ironic to have cats in a bird store?" I usually respond that we're all bird lovers...

What Bird is Showing that Flash of White on its Tail?

I'm watching the Rose of Sharon bush in the backyard. The blooms are gone and so are my hummingbirds that used to fight over that bush. But there are some new birds out there bouncing back and forth among the branches. They're flashing distinctive white outer tail feathers. Wait a minute my brain is slowly making connections...Juncos!...

Do Birds Eat Only at Certain Levels?

I have a plant hanger I want to hang my new squirrel buster on. Does it need to be at a certain height to attract birds? ~Owosso, MIWhere to Place FeedersFeeders can be placed throughout the yard at different levels to attract a variety of birds. Just remember the number one rule in feeder location is to place it where...

Sometimes Pictures are Worth a Thousand Smiles!

My nephew loves going to kindergarten. Unfortunately he caught his first school cold and had to stay home. But that didn't stop his creativity. Poor little guy. Get well soon.The weather is turning brrrr, cold in mid-Michigan. Yesterday a big black cloud covered the sky and blustering winds pushed me...

No Birds at Michigan Feeders is Unfathomable!

“There eating me out of house and home.” I hear that all the time at the Wild Birds Unlimited - East Lansing, MI store. But what I hear when people tell me that is, “I have lots of bird activity in my yard and I’m happy!”We had Gordon Dunkley who works at the Wild Birds Unlimited – San Antonio, TX store visit us recently...

Feeling Good About Fattening Up

As winter approaches, throw dietary caution to the wind. We're not talking about some radical new nutritional plan. We're talking about feeding your wild birds high-calorie, high-fat foods to help them survive the winter.Food is the most essential element to providing birds with the energy, stamina and nutrition they need...