Out of all birds, they have the fastest metabolism, the largest heart in proportion to body size, the fastest heart and wing beats, the most aerobatic flight, the most brilliant feather iridescences and one of the highest rates of nesting success.
Hummingbirds differ from other birds in some not so positive ways, too. They are the lightest bird at just 1/10th of an ounce, have the smallest brain, are virtually incapable of walking, and fall prey to Bull Frogs, Praying Mantis and large spiders.
Hummingbirds can consume up to twice their body weight in nectar every day. In order to accomplish this amazing feat, hummingbirds' bills and tongues have evolved into incredibly efficient feeding tools.
They use the flexible tip of their bill to capture insects and insect eggs from the ground and on plants. They love spiders and spider eggs.
Despite popular belief, hummingbirds do not feed on nectar by sucking it up with their bills; instead, they actually lap it up with their tongues. They feed by dipping their forked, open-grooved tongues into nectar at up to 12 times a second.
A great way to see this amazing tongue in action is to use a Wild Birds Unlimited Hummingbird Feeder or a WBU Window Hummingbird Feeder. With their clear plastic bases, you will be able to witness the rapid lapping action of these fascinating hummingbirds.
Source: WBU Nature News http://ning.it/9dJtxP
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