The best time put up your bird feeders

should I stock up on my seed now, when is the best time to begin feeding the birds, should i wait for the first snow, when should i take my finch feeder down? ~ Saint Joseph, Illinois Watching birds is the fastest growing hobby in the country. There is no best or worst time to start bird feeding. Typically, feeders serve...

What birds see at night

Where do the birds go at night? Can they see in the dark? ~ Baldwin Place, New YorkAs the sun goes down, the activity at our birdfeeders comes to an abrupt halt. Some birds head for a perch in leafy bushes, evergreens, vines or dense brush piles for the night. Starlings and pigeons can roost under bridges. Ducks often...

A Days Trip to Debrigarh

These Pics were taken in November 2012. Waiting for Sun Rise...Hard to describe       (Taken by my Wife)                                      ...

Small blue-gray bird with a rusty red chest

Photo from Wikimedia CommonsShorter days, a rustle in the air, and the sight of a little red is the sure sign of fall. The small Red-breasted Nuthatch is one of the friendliest birds that comes down from Canada to spend the winter with us in mid-Michigan.Photo from Wikimedia CommonsNuthatches are small, short-tailed birds...

Predicting the bird watching season

siskins and goldfinches at nyjer feederWe’ve had a pretty good fall so far for the birds. There have been lots of natural food sources and the weather has been very nice. Canada’s natural seed crops were also very good this year. Last year Canada’s seed crops were horrible and we had a lot of “new” birds migrating further...

Photo Share: Rainy day Robin

An American Robin (Turdus migratorius) perched in the branches of a Weeping Holly tree. Photo taken by Ken Thomas.Thank you for sharing your photo! If anyone else would like to share a photograph of nature send it to and I'll put it on the Friday Photo posts....

Four ways to keep squirrels off your bird feeder

Squirrels are one of the most curious and adaptable animals to be found anywhere and they are unmatched in their problem-solving ability to defeat many bird feeders!So, if you want to keep squirrels from bothering your bird feeding setup, we have the foods, feeders and accessories to confuse and confound even the most...

Wolf spider carries 100 babies on her back

At the end of summer it’s not unusual to see a lot more spiders as they grow larger or as young spiders hatch. There are several dozen types of spiders, and the most common garden spiders do not spin webs.Any gardener that picks flowers knows to shake them vigorously before bringing them inside to knock off any unwilling...

Concern about fertilizers and bluebirds' health

Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 I am very concerned about fertilizer my husband insists on putting on our backyard and its effect on my bluebirds. Is there a safe fertilizer or safe time of year? I have two nesting boxes and only one successful brood in 3 years.It is...

Best small hummingbird feeder

The beautiful HummBlossom 4-ounce capacity feeders join the popular line of HummZinger feeders. These feeders are the ideal "mini" size for placing a grouping of feeders nearby, so territorial hummingbirds can each pick their own Blossom to feed from.The feeder includes a HighView™ perch that invites hummingbirds...

Owls are known for attacking in September

In autumn there are a lot of first year owls leaving their parents and moving to new territories. Many customers in the Wild Birds Unlimited - East Lansing store are reporting their encounters with owls. Most people are excited about these large birds when they perch in their yard. Other people have experienced silent,...

Fall Bird Watching Basics

Often, people think of feeding birds in the winter when their natural food supplies are scarce. But many birds also visit feeders during their spring and fall migrations and during summer while they are nesting, so you may enjoy keeping feeders up all through the year, offering different types of foods during different...

Photo Share: Brown bird with two distinctive head feathers

Hi, I am not a bird watcher and don't have any resources for identifying birds and while trying to find a picture of a bird that met this description "light brown bird two distinctive head feathers head" I came upon your web site. I live near Niagara Falls. Any ideas?Young Northern Cardinals have ashy brown feathers...

The World's Largest Squirrel

At the end of summer, as I watch the woodchuck fatten up for hibernation and the chipmunks and tree squirrels gather nuts to eat throughout the winter, it got me wondering about the biggest squirrel. There are eight members of the squirrel family living in mid-Michigan. The Eastern Chipmunk is the smallest Michigan...

Where Did All Our Squirrels Go?

About 10 days ago, our ample back yard squirrel population of gray, black, fox, piney, and nocturnal flying squirrels suddenly disappeared from our feeders.  Virtually overnight.  We live on the Lake Michigan shoreline two miles north of Hoffmaster state park.  Any idea why?   Just because you...

Crows taking over feeder

I live in Presque Isle, Michigan and have started having problems with flocks of huge crows coming in and knocking down my bird feeders and taking all the seed.  I don't mind feeding them, but they are driving all the other birds away.  Do you have a suggestion?  Appreciate any help.You didn’t specify...

Why are the birds so hungry in the fall?

As many of you have noticed, birds have been attacking the feeders like there is no tomorrow. And there won't be if they don't bulk up now to prepare for a harsh Michigan winter or a long journey south. Birds change into a “superbird” state when their internal clock is triggered by shorter days and cooler weather at the...

Veery: small brown thrush with a speckled throat

The Veery (Catharus fuscescens) is a small North American thrush species that breeds in the cool, moist, deciduous forests and woodlands with dense undergrowth in Michigan. Keep you eyes open for them as they migrate down south to winter in central and southern Brazil in September. The Veery is a smaller thrush with a...

How to stop sparrows from taking over the feeders

I have fed birds for many years.  However, when I moved to Charlotte and began feeding once again, the sparrows took over the feeder, ate all the food.  Once in a great while, a gold finch would stop by, when it was empty.  Reluctantly, I stopped feeding.  Am wondering if you have any suggestions.  BTW...