The Rock Pigeon was introduced to the Atlantic coast of North America by 17th century colonists. Now feral, this species is found all over the continent, especially around farms, cities, and towns.
This medium-sized pigeon comes in a wide variety of plumage colors and patterns, including bluish gray, checkered, rusty-red, and nearly all-white. Its wings usually have two dark bars on them—unique among North American pigeons.

The variability of the Rock Pigeon influenced Charles Darwin as he developed his theory of natural selection.VOICE Soft, gurgling coo, roo-c’too-coo, for courtship and threat.

NESTING Twig nest on flat, sheltered surface, such as caves, rocky outcrops, and buildings; 2 eggs; several broods; year-round. FEEDING Eats seeds, fruit, and rarely, insects; human foods such as popcorn, bread, peanuts; various farm crops in rural areas.
Across southern Canada and North America; nests in
human structures of all sorts; resident.

Original habitat in the Old World was (and still is) sea cliffs and inland canyons; found wild in some places, such as dry regions of North Africa, but feral in much of the world.
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Rock Pigeon
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