Anyways, I love birds and feed all year long. I had a bunch of young Cardinals and little sparrows this year. Those were the only ones I could tell were young cause the mama and poppa birds would still feed them. I'm glad I found your site, although I live in Topeka, KS.

There is no exact distance apart they need to be placed. In general, a suburban back yard or garden is large enough for one or two families of wrens. The size of the territory for the male wren is about a half acre area and two to three houses within that territory is acceptable.
The House Wren’s bubbly song and habit for eating masses of bugs make it a very popular bird to many people. And House Wrens like people just as well. The “house” in their name was given to them for their preference for nesting near peoples’ houses.
House Wrens are famous for taking advantage of unusual nesting places. Nests have been found in mailboxes, flowerpots, boots, house lights, and of course old woodpecker holes, natural crevices, small birdhouses and gourds.

Because the male Wren builds several starter nests for the female to choose from, the other nests may then be used by the male to raise a second brood with another female or remain in place to discourage other male wrens from nesting in the same territory. So keep an eye out. Just because the female didn’t choose your nest this time, it doesn’t mean it won’t be chosen later.
Thank you for sharing your joy of birding. I was watching my first baby cardinals last night too. Poppa cardinal was shooing all the other birds away from the feeders to give his baby a clear pathway. Unfortunately, the baby wasn’t paying any attention and was leading his parents on a merry chase around the yard.
Related Articles:
- Nest of sticks in bluebird box
- Question about House Wren Migration
- Quick Fun Facts on Wrens
- Hanging & Placement of Wren Bird Houses
- Close-up of 5 species of wrens
1. All About Birds
2. Animal Diversity Web. -Dewey, T. and J. Brown. 2001. "Troglodytes aedon"
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