Indoor cats don't get bored when you have bird-watching windows.

Dolly is an avid bird watcher. She always lets me know when an interesting bird shows up.I tried to catch her sleeping. But as a stray she learned early to sleep with one eye op...

Tiger moths: What is that white moth with black spots?

Bugs like birds are fascinating to observe. These two beauties were attracted to the flowers in front of the Wild Birds Unlimited - East Lansing store this week. The first is the Giant Leopard Moth or Eyed Tiger Moth (Hypercompe scribonia). Wow what a show stopper! It was sitting on the sidewalk and I snapped a quick picture...

Does that cardinal bird have mange?

Is it that that time of year to address the perennial bald bird question already? Every July and August it is a somewhat common sight to see some bald birds at the feeder in mid-Michigan. For birds, molting is usually the periodic replacement of feathers by shedding old feathers while producing new ones. And, after...

Why are bluebird eggs blue?

The size, color and patterning of birds’ eggs can vary a lot. Most scientist believe that birds, like reptiles, used to lay only white eggs. It’s thought that the different colors of eggs happened later as more camouflaged eggs survived from predators’ attacks or shielded them from solar radiation. Many birds still have...

Chickadee babies have fledged

I just saw some baby chickadees. They came out of the nest fully dressed in their brand new suits and hats. They were so cute! However I did notice, because of an earlier post you wrote called “Identify Younger Birds at Your Feeders” that they all had shorter tails then the parents. I love the blog and just wanted to share...

New Research: Now we know who’s who at the feeder

Did you ever wonder how many chickadees are visiting your feeders throughout the day or how many sunflower seeds they take away? By using a technology called RFID (radio frequency identification) lots of questions about birds at feeders now have answers.RFID is a technology that uses communication through the use...

When do lightning bugs appear in Michigan?

Lightning bugs or fireflies are neither bugs nor flies; they are actually beetles, which have two pairs of wings.I saw my first lightning bug or firefly today on the window. They usually show up in mid-Michigan late June.According to Wikipedia: “Fireflies hibernate or overwinter during the larval stage, some...

Stop baby birds from crashing into windows

Right now there are still young birds around learning the ropes and unfortunately, many times it's the inexperienced birds that fall victim to window strikes. Birds also strike windows as they quickly try to escape predators, hitting glass in a moment of panic. And during spring and fall migration, window strikes increase...

What are those swarms of gnats or tiny flies in the air?

Image by dnnya17 via FlickrGnat is the common name for many small, winged insects in the fly family. Also called flies, midges and no-see-ums, many species look like mosquitoes and may form annoying swarms or clouds in the air called ghosts. These are large mating swarms of adults. The swarms may occur for several days,...

Who's eating so much suet in the summer?

I'm so glad I remembered to bring home suet today. As soon as the feeder was filled I heard what sounded like a rubber ducky squeak, squeak. I looked up and saw a daddy downy woodpecker feeding a baby downy. I could see it was baby male downy woodpecker easily. Adult males have a small red patch on the back of the head...

How do you stop wasps from invading bird houses?

Bees and wasps usually use unoccupied houses, but it’s best not to spray the house with any poisons. If you have one of our Wild Birds Unlimited easy clean out houses, I would leave the door open so there is a lot of light in the box. If there is no easy clean out you can plug the hole for a couple days until they...

What's the best feeder just for goldfinches?

I'm looking for a feeder for finches that sparrows can't get to.  I had some beautiful goldfinches until they were bullied by sparrows and now we're down to 2 and I don't want to lose them! Can you help?????  I've seen cages with the outer wire but they are so expensive, I can't afford it. Thank you.Make...

Identify Younger Birds at Your Feeders

Many bird parents show their fledglings where to find food and how to eat from feeders. But how do you know if it is an adult or this year’s offspring? Here are some clues to look and listen for at your feeders.Having a ShadowWatch for one or more birds closely following or outright chasing a parent. This often occurs...

What birds like peanuts?

The greater variety of foods you offer, the more your birds will enjoy visiting your yard. Did you know that a lot of birds like peanuts? Nuts at the feeders attract some of the most interesting birds. The crazy antics of the woodpeckers, titmice, chickadees and nuthatches alone make it worthwhile to try feeding peanuts....

Squirrel proof bird feeder reviews

I want to buy my father a really effective bird feeder for the birds that keep the squirrels off. What is your suggestion? ~ Lansing, MichiganI like the Brome Squirrel Buster Plus and so do our customers. It is our number one selling feeder at the Wild Birds Unlimited - East Lansing store. I’ve had mine for over four years...

What are those small, creamy white butterflies with a spot on the wing?

The Cabbage White butterfly (Pieris rapae) is one of the most common butterflies in the U.S. and around the world. Flying around from late February to mid-November, they are one of the first butterflies to be seen in the spring, and one of the last to be seen in the fall.Cabbage Whites are yet another non-native species...

WTF is Wild Birds Unlimited?

There has to be magic in the Wild Birds Unlimited business model. Who owns all these birds? ~ Zionsville, INI read it all the time on Twitter: "What the fudge is Wild Birds Unlimited?" Or new customers walk in looking for pet birds.We actually don't sell birds. Our store name is a little confusing. We sell feeders and...

When did people start to feed hummingbirds?

When was the hummingbird feeder invented? ~ Gladstone, Michigan I don’t know when people began feeding hummingbirds. I do know that with their lightning speed and jewel like iridescent feathers, gardeners have been trying to attract hummingbirds to their gardens for a long while.Feeding hummingbirds may have started with...

Why do pigeons perch on statues?

Image via WikipediaPigeons that you see hanging out under bridges and on statues are the feral descendants of domesticated Rock Pigeons. In their native land of southern Europe, North Africa, and into South Asia, the  Rock Pigeons nest along coastal cliff faces.In their non-native land, pigeons have adapted to nesting...

When do you clean bird houses?

If the birds have been successful in raising their young in a nest box, the babies will fledge and then there is at least a two week break before they might begin to raise another brood. I always call it their family vacation time. You can clean the nest box at this time while the baby birds are shown the territory...

Ancient etched hummingbirds on the Nazca Plain of Peru

The huge hummingbirds etched into the silt on the Nazca Plain of Peru back in 200BC -600AD are still a mystery. The lines are meaningless at ground level, but from the sky, the Incan tribe designs can be seen easily. Many of the geoglyphs are constructed using a continuous line which has led many scientists to believe...

Can I throw rice at my wedding?

My friend says if I throw rice at my wedding, the birds eat it and explode? I don’t think that’s true! Should I throw birdseed instead? E.B.Rice and other grains, such as wheat, have played a prominent role in marriage ceremonies for centuries. Guests wish the bride and groom symbolically a lifetime full of fertility...

What is that cotton in the air?

What do you think of when I say "Summer"? Do you think no school, popsicles on the back porch, running around barefoot in the grass, and picking flowers? I do and I always think of floating cottonwood seeds as the first sign of summer in mid-Michigan.The Eastern Cottonwood (Populus deltoides) can be either...