Spiders on drugs

Image via WikipediaNatural insecticides alone or in combination with other compounds, may be useful in insect control. Zoologist H. M. Peters perturbed by the webs of garden spiders in the early morning asked colleague Dr. Peter Witt to do research on what effects various chemicals have on spiders and their webs.Witt tested...

What is No-Mess Bird Seed?

My landscaper told me about your website. He says he uses a “NO MESS” bird seed from Wild Birds Unlimited and after he cleans up our yard, I should use it too. Can you tell me more about this? Do you sell this at your store? ~ Grand Rapids, MichiganWell thank your landscaper very much for the recommendation. Wild Birds...

How can I get rid of Red Squirrels?

How can we get rid of red squirrels in our yard.  They are destructive and tear up things to use for nests. - Bath MI areaI’m sorry I can’t be of much help. Please don’t live trap them. They are taking care of babies now and shouldn’t be separated from their young. Wild Birds Unlimited has feeders and houses with...

Angry Birds Cause a Flap: Why do Birds Fight?

I just broke up two sparrows fighting on my back porch. They looked like they were going to kill each other. What can I do to stop the bird fights in my backyard? ~Indianapolis, Indiana There are varied signs of spring: migrating birds passing through, new songs in the air, and the earth slowly waking up from...

Fresh Flavour of Wilderness in Boudh District: Mahanadi Wildlife Division

Mahanadi Wildlife Division spreads over an area of 440 sq kms and comprises of Satkosia Gorge Sanctuary & Baisipalli Sanctuary. While Kusanga and Chamundia ranges are part of Satkosia Gorge Sanctuary, Banigocha (East) and Banigochha (West) are part of Baisipalli Sanctuary. Spread over two Districts of Nayagarh and...

In Search of Last Tigers of Baisipalli Sanctuary

Thick Forests in the Core Area of BaisipalliVery few Sanctuaries in Orissa are as complete from every aspect as Baisipalli. I had travelled to Chamundia last year along with Bubun thinking that Chamundia is present in Baisipalli. But actually Chamundia is in Satkosia Gorge Sanctuary but part of Mahanadi Wildlife Division....

Mallard Nesting Behavior: Can I move the nest?

The green head and yellow bill of the male Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) is a familiar sight to many people living in the Northern hemisphere. The female duck is brownish all over with mottled streaking of buff, white, and dark brown feathers. And right now you’ll see a lot of ducks around Lansing in twos. Momma and Poppa...

Go Wild at Kuldiha Wildlife Sanctuary in Balasore

This write up is dedicated to my friend Prabal who keeps pushing me to update the blog and for all the encouragements._______________________________________________________________________________There was a special reason for being in Kuldiha and I had waited for the day when I would write on it. Nilagiri Range is where...

Fun Facts About European Starlings

European Starling in Summer•In 1890’s, 100 starlings were released into New York City’s Central Park. It is said that Eugene Schieffelin wanted all of New York to see the birds mentioned in the plays of William Shakespeare. Until that time, starlings were not native to North America. •Since its introduction into North...

5 Tips to Attract Birds to Nest in your Bird Houses

It is entertaining and educational to watch birds as they go through the many stages of their lives, including choosing a nest site, making the nest, laying eggs, feeding their hatchlings, and then, watching the fledglings as they venture out on their own. Many people are choosing to bring this experience up close by placing...