Why do Birds Scatter Seeds from Feeders?

I've have a flicker that flicks seeds all over and the jays are no better. What are they looking for? ~ Indianapolis, Indiana Birds look for the very best seeds. First, fresh and heavy seeds full of oil are chosen over the dried up older seeds. Blue Jays and other birds will shuffle through the seeds until they find what...

Kashmir of Orissa(Odisha)- Daringbadi

There are very few places on which I have written and have found absolutely no problem in finding a Title. Daringbadi is one of those few places which is synonymous with the word Kashmir. Way back in schooling days , my mom would read out an article from Sunday edition of Sambad that would feature a tourist place in the...

February is National Bird Feeding Month!

Congressman John Porter (R-IL) read a resolution into the Congressional Record on February 23, 1994 proclaiming February as National Bird-Feeding Month. Consider that the average wild bird weighs less than two nickels and you’ll realize that winter can be a very punishing time for your backyard friends and February...

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Overwinters in Michigan

Hi, Sarah ~ This is the first time I've ever seen this visitor in our backyard! Not the best pics, shot through a screen, but maybe the bird will return so I can get a few better ones next time. Would you agree with my identifying it as a female Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker? Are they somewhat uncommon in this area during...

Where are the birds? vs. They’re eating me out of house and home!

Is there some environmental problem or something? I haven’t seen the swarms of birds that I usually see this year in Portland, MII can’t keep the feeders full! What does Wild Birds Unlimited put in their seed to make all these birds flock to the feeders? Lansing, MIIt’s funny I received both questions in the same week....

Slip Sliding Away: Ducks Have Trouble with Icey Pond

Although migration may seem to make sense for an animal that can fly, travelling south can have some drawbacks. Migratory birds are often exposed to large unfamiliar areas, and when spring does return, they must repeat the northward journey to raise a family.But remaining in areas where there is cold, freezing...

Keep your eyes open for Bohemian Waxwings!

Bohemian WaxwingsI'm always fascinated by the Cedar Waxwings that frequent the area around the East Lansing Wild Birds Unlimited. Lately a few customers have reported seeing Bohemian Waxwings in the Lansing, MI area. According to the Birds of Michigan field guide, the Bohemian Waxwings nest in northern forests in Alaska...

Teachers' Resources for Course on Birds

If I wanted to teach a short course about birds to beginners, where would you suggest I go to find more information? Cornell Lab of Ornithology has a wealth of information at www.birds.cornell.edu/.Some things the site has to offer that might interest you are:All About Birds: a great bird guide that lets you find...

Is it too late to start feeding the birds this winter?

If you were ever thinking about bird feeding, January and February are actually the months that a backyard bird feeder can make a difference.Typically, feeders serve as a supplemental source of food for birds in your yard. Fruit and nut bearing bushes and trees supply a natural food source as well as native flowers, such...

A little bird told me where you could be found

Do you like the Wild Birds Unlimited mid-Michigan blog? I created it to answer frequently asked questions & to share nature stories and photographs. Over the past couple years, I've been very pleased with all the positive feedback. I have always loved watching, reading and learning about birds. The blog has...

Quick Fun Facts about Birds

 Geese will also sometimes twist themselves into awkward looking positions in order to slow down and reduce their height quickly. 1. What bird can’t walk but can fly upside down? Hummingbirds’ feet are only strong enough for perching. They can barely walk at all. The hummingbird is much more comfortable in flight....

House Finches: Those Year-round Red Heads

Image via WikipediaHi, I recently started feeding our winter birds here in Flat Rock, Mi. I've seen all the usual winter birds listed here. I saw the other day that all I can do is describe it as similiar in size to a sparrow, but with a very rosey-blush color on it's chest and cap. I immediately thought of the Grosbeak,...

The GBBC is almost here!

From Cornell Lab Ornithology eNewsletterJust a quick reminder that the Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) is third weekend of February. Now is the perfect time to brush up on your winter birds, and remind family and friends that the annual GBBC is just around the corner. What is GBBC?The Great Backyard Bird...

It's National Squirrel Appreciation Day! Are You Ready?

Do you sell critter food? Barbara ~ Lansing, MIThank you for such an appropriate question on National Squirrel Appreciation Day. Yes, we have a variety of foods to feed the critters in your yard. Wild Birds Unlimited sells cracked corn, whole corn, corn on the cob, as well as peanut pieces and peanuts in the...