Michigan Lily

Image by jerryoldenettel via Flickr When I saw this flower on the side of the road I thought it had escaped from a garden. These orange lilies, with their polka dot petals pulled up and long stamens dangling look very exotic. After I did a little research, I was surprised to find out that the Michigan...

What is the Best Squirrel Proof Feeder?

I like the Brome Squirrel Buster Plus and so do our customers. It is our number one selling feeder at the Wild Birds Unlimited - East Lansing store. I’ve had mine for over four years now and I’ve never had a problem.Squirrels can’t figure out how to open the feeder. It has a lock top you push down and turn to fill. The...

More Fall Migrants and An Interesting Goldfinch

21-28 AugustI banded five days this past week. Migrants have increased a bit from the previous week and I'm hoping the following week will be even better. On Saturday the 21st we captured two more American Redstarts, this time both hatch year males. At this time of year, hatch year male restarts can look very much...

Do Hummingbirds Sing?

Image by chuqui via FlickrSome hummingbirds sing, but most like Michigan’s Ruby-throated Hummingbird just chip and hum.North America's only singing hummingbird is the Anna's Hummingbird, a medium-sized hummingbird that is common in the far western U.S. Their song during breeding season is a series of buzzy, scratchy, squeaking...

How to Prepare Your Yard for Winter Birdwatching

I hope everyone enjoys this upcoming Labor Day Weekend. I usually take advantage of the extra day to do some fall cleaning in the yard. I want the birds that winter in Michigan to find a refuge in my backyard during the harsh winter months. I prepared a checklist to help you make sure your yard is ready too.Preparing Your...

Make Sure You Stop and Enjoy the Day.

Squirrel resting on power line that crosses the backyard.Time is Flying! Fall is just around the corner.Make sure you take a moment from your busy schedule to enjoy the end of Augu...

Do You Take Your Cats Home at Night?

Everybody is always so worried about my babies at the East Lansing, MI Wild Birds Unlimited store. The cats don't go home with me at night because the store is their home. I'm with them about 10 hours a day every day and they are so exhausted by closing time that they are glad to have the lights out and get some much needed...

What Weighs More, Bird's Feathers or Bird's Bones?

Image by Carly & Art via FlickrBirds have evolved many unique adaptations to survive, including pneumatic or hollow bones. In fact the skeleton of most backyard birds only comprises about 5% of its total body weight. That means that in some species of birds, their bones are so lightweight that the bird's feathers weigh...

Hummingbird Nests

Do hummers reuse nests? I know where an old nest is and I'd like to keep it if they're done using it. Todd in Owosso, MIImage by elisfanclub via FlickrHummingbird nests are fascinating. Female Ruby-throated Hummingbirds alone construct cup shaped nests with a diameter about the same size as a quarter. They start to build...

Old vs.Young: Do American Goldfinches Migrate?

I am watching the American Goldfinches tonight along with the hummingbirds feasting on the feeders outside the dining room window. The hummers are bopping all the birds that they think are looking at them funny and the goldfinches are doing something I've never seen before.The baby goldfinches that have graduated to feeding...

The Hummingbirds Are Very Hungry!: When to Take Down Your Hummingbird Feeders

If you’ve never fed Ruby-throated Hummingbirds before, you must, must, must get a feeder out there today! We still have a wide selection to choose from at our Wild Birds Unlimited East Lansing, MI store.Right now the birds are hungry! It’s fascinating to watch hummingbirds bulk up for the journey south. They are feasting...

Fun Facts on Owls

From their wings to their eyes, owls have adapted to be some of nature's best hunters. Image by Beth Sargent via Flickr• The adaptive Great Horned Owl can be found virtually anywhere in North America. Its habitat includes forest, field, tundra and desert and highly-developed suburban areas.• Owls' feathers are especially...