Birds with access to backyard bird feeders are able to spend less time foraging for food and more time engaging in activities that positively impact their survival and well-being. This additional time can be used to be more aware of threats from predators and to preen their feathers for flight and insulation.
Studies have also shown that birds with access to feeders during nesting season spend less time away from their nests looking for food. These birds will lay their clutch of eggs earlier and fledge one more chick per clutch than birds without access to feeders.
Summer bird feeding will bring new birds to your yard with interesting behaviors to observe and enjoy. Summer is actually the most heavily bird populated season in most of North America. Contrary to popular belief, recent research also shows summer to be the most abundant season for birds to visit feeders.
The summer visitors at your feeders will be featuring their brightest breeding plumage, and they will often be accompanied by their young offspring with duller feathers. Summer provides a fascinating opportunity to see adult birds feeding and interacting with their young, and it is an experience that you do not want to miss.
Source: WBU Nature News
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