Birds Molting: Out with the Old, In with the New

Just as people make seasonal wardrobe changes, many birds are beginning a transformation of their own, losing and replacing their feathers in a process known as molting.Molting is when a bird replaces some (partial molt) or all (full molt) of its feathers. This complicated process requires a lot of energy and may take...

How Do I Know If It's a Baby Hummingbird?

Oooh, there are lots of things to tell you if the hummingbirds you see are young and just off the nest.Young hummingbirds will look similar to a female, but as young males begin to mature in late summer look for a few random red iridescent feathers on the throat. And the young are very healthy looking. Their feathers are...

Is it too late to put up a hummingbird feeder?

While the Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds have settled into their territories to nest by now, every bird is always foraging and may appreciate a new reliable backup feeder.You may also notice in late June newly fledged hummers have to check out everything to see if it's food, so you may catch them with new feeders.Then starting...

Should I Move My Birdhouse?

Hi, I have a birdhouse with 3 baby wrens in it. They are just about ready to bust out and go with their parents. My problem is, the house is right over the porch where my cats lay all day. Is it possible to move the house about 40-50 ft off to the side of the house where they could have more privacy for the leaving of...

How Do You Tell a Female Indigo Bunting from a Female Cowbird?

I think I had a female Indigo Bunting in my yard but it might be a cowbird. How can I tell? Patrick ~ East Lansing, MILittle brown birds can sometimes be hard to identify when you just get a quick glance.Both Indigo Buntings and Brown-headed Cowbirds live in similar habitats. The cowbird parasitizes or lays its eggs in...

Do We Have Indigo Buntings in Michigan?

That Scott's birdseed commercial talks about getting more birds like indigo buntings. Do we have those birds? I feed Wild Birds Unlimited Safflower and Thistle. Will they come to that? Susan ~Williamston, MILocation, location, location. The Indigo Bunting Passerina cyanea can be seen all over Michigan during their migration...

Tree Frog in Birdhouse

"I'm moving in. 'Nuff said."Tree frogs are notorious for birdhouse squatting.The first time I saw a frog in a birdhouse, that had been full of baby birds just a couple weeks before, it gave me quite a sta...

How to Stop Your Hummingbird Feeder from Dripping.

I've got a silly question. How do I stop my hummingbird feeder from dripping. I didn't buy the feeder from you. It was a gift but it's just a sticky mess! I get more ants than hummingbirds. ~Frustrated in Charlotte, MIGlass hummingbird feeders with stoppers are beautiful in the garden among the flowers. There are some...

Greater Lansing Housing Coalition (GLHC): Garden Tours Galore 2010

If you are looking for something to do this weekend, the Greater Lansing Housing Coalition is hosting its annual garden tour June 26 and 27, 2010. This is where you can snoop in spectacular local residents' gardens to get lots of fun gardening ideas. There will also be "Experts" on hand and a fun mini plant sale.This year...

What is a Slug?

Most of our native Michigan slugs feed on fungi, lichen, carrion, and plant materials in wooded areas and are very important for nutrient cycling. The non-native invasive slugs, however, can be very destructive, feeding on flowering and leafy garden plants, as well as crops such as wheat and corn.Slugs belong to the Phylum...

Top 10 Frequently Asked Bird Questions

My neighbor told me not to feed in the summer. We just got back from Florida and won't be here in the winter. She also said birds won't use a swinging birdbath. Susie~ East LansingI hear this all the time. If you enjoy watching the birds up close go ahead and feed the birds while you are in Michigan. Typically, feeders...

Mid June News

Tuesday 15 June & Friday 18 JuneMore young birds found their way into the nets this week. Approximately 75% of new birds banded were all hatch years. We captured our first Baltimore Oriole for the year, an older (ASY or after second year) female. This bird showed more extensive black feathering in the throat than we...

Why Do Ostriches Bury Their Heads in Sand?

The expression "burying your head in the sand" usually refers to someone trying to ignore a problem. As in “BP is burying its head in the sand and refusing to give details about the magnitude of the oil flow in the Gulf of Mexico."However, contrary to popular belief, ostriches don’t bury their heads in sand when they are...

Father Birds Role in Raising Young

This month, your yard will become home to a new generation of birds. But as you're watching fledglings chase their parents, beg for food and learn the necessary skills to survive their new world, look for the presence, or absence, of father birds.Adult male birds' roles in raising their young differ greatly from one species...

Cleaning & Placement of Wren Bird Houses

HiI left my birdhouse up with the old nest from last year. I will be upset if I don't get a wren this year. Do they not use old nests? What should I do?Thanks. ~ EllenActually, the presence of an old House Wren nest may encourage the wrens to re-nest in the same spot. A male House Wren may lay claim to a nesting cavity...

Christopher Robin's Bob-bob-bobbin' Along!

For those of you worried about Deb's baby robin, she sent us an update. Or click HERE for the original story. .Raising a baby bird is no small feat ... It's time-consuming, messy and nerve-wracking. I don't know how birds can have so many babies in a season and still manage to find time to preen their feathers! This past...

Attract Birds- Not Mosquitos!: New Solar Water Wiggler

The Water Wiggler’s unique agitator action creates continuous ripples in the bath water, preventing mosquitoes from laying eggs. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in stagnant water, and the larvae hatch in 2 to 3 days. The Water Wiggler™ effectively creates surface water movement so mosquitoes can’t lay their eggs, braking the...

Green Day: Plant a Tree Program

Odwalla is a juice company that is planting trees in state parks, and will plant one for you too! All you have to do is click on the link below and choose Michigan.The plant a tree program is going on through December 31, 2010. When you choose a participating park system Odwalla will donate $1.00 towards the purchase of...

When am I supposed to clean out a birdhouse?

If the birds have been successful in raising their young in a nest box, the babies will fledge and then there is at least a two week break before they might begin to raise another brood. I always call it their family vacation time. You can clean the nest box at this time while the baby birds are shown the territory and...

How to Care for a Baby Robin

Sarah ~ an owl killed  this baby's siblings and mother. My owls do this regularly, so I don't understand why robins continue to build nests in the neighborhood! Anyway, this baby was lying in the road (maybe the owl dropped it). He/she is growing amazingly quickly, as baby birds will. ~ Deb Records show that only...

We Have Babies!

Wednesday, 2 June - Saturday 12 JuneThe nets took forever to open on Wednesday morning and since I was alone this day I only opened a portion of them. Rain the night before made everything a soppy mess, nets and vegetation included. It was a quiet day with only 10 birds captured. With not much activity I closed early to...