In the winter the birds usually travel in small flocks in North Carolina and other southern states. The chestnut crown is more diffuse and dull, the eye line is less dark, and the overall pattern and colors are less bold.
Some distinctive marks I noticed are the white eye ring, with darkly streaked upper parts, the unstreaked breast, the extended eye line in front of the eye toward the bill, and the light brown bill.
Thank you for the photos. It made identifying the mystery bird much easier. I also noticed the seed in your feeder and I can’t help but comment. The sparrows are probably eating the millet and sunflower seed. A good blend is high in Oil Sunflower and can also have Sunflower Chips, Peanuts, White Proso Millet, or Safflower mixed together. Don't buy a blend with Milo. Milo, the larger round, reddish seed I see in your seed blend is usually just kicked out of feeders and wasted. Eventually it might be picked up by a dove but it’s usually just left to rot on the ground.
I know the blends with milo tend to be cheaper but on the East coast it’s just a waste of money to buy those blends. If you can’t find a blend without cheap filler grains like oats, wheat and milo just use a straight sunflower seed.
Thank you very much for your question. Keep up your close observations. Please write again with any questions.
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