"Each moment of the year has its own beauty." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

“To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring.”~ George Santayana...

Do You Sell Squirrel Proof Feeders?

Squirrel proof feeders are our number one selling feeders at our Wild Birds Unlimited store in East Lansing, Michigan. There are several to choose from and most have a lifetime guarantee even against squirrel damage.Our best selling feeder is the Squirrel Buster Plus II.Easy to fillEasy to clean with no tools requiredLock...

Thermogenosis and Torpor (Shivering and Deep sleep)

In the winter birds can grow twice as many feathers but they still have to shiver almost constantly to increase their body temperature in cold weather. This shivering process is called thermogenosis. The constant shivering produces heat five times that of their normal rate, helping them to maintain an amazingly high body...

What Bird Part II

Hi there, I have been seeing some brown birds on my feeder for a while now and I’m trying to figure out what they are. I’ve search throughout the internet and the closest I’ve found that looks like this is the chirping sparrow. Could you take a look and let me know what kind you think this is if you’re familiar with it?...

What's That Brown Bird with a Black and White Striped Head?

Good morning, I was delighted to happen upon your site! I have been feeding blue jays in my yard for a while. The store where I purchase the seed, ran out, so I bought some for indoor birds (it looked the same). Now I have these little birds eating along with the blue jays, but I don't know what they are. They are brownish...

Thinking About the New Year

"Life is a series of little deaths out of which life always returns." ~ Charles Feidelson, Jr.Last week was the Winter Solstice, the day the Earth's Northern Hemisphere has the shortest day, and longest night, and the sun's daily maximum position in the sky is the lowest. The birds might consider it the beginning of the...

Is That an Owl Out There?

I think I saw an owl sitting in the tree in my backyard. It was a big round fluff of feathers about 8” tall (the size of a squirrel). I was distracted and when I looked for it again, it was gone. Is that possible around here in Lansing, Michigan?Yes it’s very possible. The Eastern Screech-Owl Megascops asio is a year round...

Why Do Birds Have Different Bills?

The bird's bill is a remarkably useful instrument that comes in all shapes and sizes. The bill shows various adaptations for methods of feeding.Birds with all-purpose bills have general sort of diet using a bill that can cut, crush, rip, and open just about anything.Some other examples are short thin bills for insect eaters,...

Season Greetings from Wild Birds Unlimited

“In all things of nature, there is something of the marvelous.” - AristotleWith the holiday season here, we are setting our work aside for a moment to extend our sincere appreciation to the friends and customers who make our jobs so enjoyable. May your holidays be filled with family, friendship, and the magic of our world.Wishing...

Many cultures consider birds a universal symbol of happiness and joy.

The people of Scandinavia traditionally feed the birds on Christmas Day to ensure good luck throughout the coming year. .Spread bird seed on your doorstep Christmas morning for New Year’s good lu...

What Do You Feed Carolina Wrens?

Lately, I've enjoyed watching a Carolina Wren. We're a long way from Carolina! What should I be feeding him in my Michigan yard?The “Carolina" refers to the Carolinian Zone, an area which includes much of Eastern United States and extends south to the Carolinas. The climate of this area is also moderated by our Great Lakes,...

What Do Bunnies Eat in the Winter?

Rabbits are crepuscular, meaning they're most active at dusk and dawn, and are generally found in areas with dense cover. They also do well in suburban and urban areas where lawns, gardens, and various shrubs meet their habitat requirements. Rabbits feed on leafy plants during the growing season and the buds and bark of...

Santayana's Law of Repetitive Consequences

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." ~ George Santayana (1905) Reason in Common Sense, volume 1 of The Life of ReasonThe Passenger Pigeon, once the most common bird in North America, went into a catastrophic decline in numbers and then extinction by 1914.Similar in looks to the Mourning Dove,...

Snapshot of a Ring-Necked Pheasant

A native of Asia, the Ring-necked Pheasant was introduced to Michigan in 1895 as a gamebird for hunters. Because pheasants thrive in a mix of cropland, hayland, grassland, wetland, and brush, their populations exploded. However, by the 1960’s farming practices began to change and the number of farms fell from 190,000 in...

Reindeer: The Truth Behind the Legend

This article was sent to me by eNature.comEach Christmas season we hear the stories of the eight tiny, flying reindeer that pull Santa's sleigh all over the world in one night. But what made Santa choose reindeer to help him accomplish this feat? Wouldn't elephants, with their huge flappable ears, make a better choice?...

Snowmen come from heaven... unassembled.

Nature is full of genius, full of the divinity; so that not a snowflake escapes its fashioning hand. .~Henry David Thoreau, journal, 5 January 1...

How to Choose Optics

Answer these questions to get a better handle on what you really need:How much magnification do you need?Making the image 8 or 10 times closer with binoculars is the most popular choice.8x binoculars work well in all terrain and in a wide variety of situations because images tend to be brighter with wider fields of view....

Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word!

Odd Phrases That Involve BirdsWe get a lot of odd ducks shopping at Wild Birds Unlimited in East Lansing, MI. But before anyone gets flighty and gives me the bird, let me make it clear that you are all good eggs.The English language is full of odd phrases and idioms. I compiled just a few of the birdy variety for you to...

Why Do Some Birds Bob Their Heads?

If you watch the birds at your feeding station you will see that some birds hop, hop, hop, and others prefer to walk around. Birds that hop take advantage of the pause between each jump to look around. Walking birds like the Mourning Doves, Robins, and Starlings, all move there head forward and back as they walk.Based...

How Far Can Owls Turn Their Heads?

Most birds have eyes at each side of their head. They see a different scene with each eye. But an owl’s eyes are at the front of its head. The owl sees the same scene with both eyes, just as a human does. However, an owl cannot move its eyes in their sockets. In order to see what is beside or behind it, the owl turns its...

Why is that Bird Singing at Night?

I shop at the East Lansing store. Every night at around 11pm I'm hearing a Mourning Dove singing. Does it have insomnia? It seems like this happened for a few weeks around last Christmas too. In the winter the Mourning Dove is generally a sound sleeper and settles in for the night at dusk. Could the call you heard be from...

Decorate a Tree for Your Birds

While you are enjoying the many tasty treats that abound this holiday season, don't forget to share some goodies with the birds. Decorating a tree for our feathered friends and other wildlife is an activity the whole family can enjoy. Here are some fun and easy recipes for making treats for the birds.Pine Cone Feeder1....

The poetry of the earth is never dead. ~John Keats


How Do I Deter Crows at the Feeder?

The crows have discovered our backyard feeders and are prone to take over. How can we keep the crows from scaring away the song birds we love.You didn’t specify what feeders or food you are using, but when you set the table the birds come. Crows don’t realize they are “bad” birds. In fact I love to watch how the crows...

How to Attract Birds This Holiday Season

Seasonal NeedsNights are longer and colder this time of year. Birds require high-fat, quick-energy foods to stay active and warm. Insect-eaters are looking for more fats and fruits. Seed-eaters are searching for high-oil seeds and nuts. .Have you noticed how ravenously the birds eat at your feeders, especially early in...

Why Should I Put Out Suet?

If you have never fed suet, you have missed some great neighbors. Common birds that eat suet are downy, hairy, red-bellied, and pileated woodpeckers. Chickadees, northern flickers, nuthatches, and starlings are also avid suet eaters.By adding suet to your wild bird's menu, you will also attract wrens, warblers, thrushes,...

Is There a Pileated Woodpecker Feeder?

My sister is new to birding. They just moved in to a new house that is next to the woods. She said she wants to attract the Pileated Woodpeckers to a feeder. Is there such a thing?Now is a great time to start feeding woodpeckers and Pileated Woodpeckers are known to frequent feeders near a large woods.The Pileated Woodpecker...

Peace on Earth, Good Will Towards Squirrels: Guest Blogger from WBU Redmond, WA

"Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love."-- Hamilton Wright MabieIt's Christmas every seed delivery day for the squirrels that live next to the Wild Birds Unlimited (WBU) stores across the United States. We have one squirrel at the East Lansing, MI store that thinks we're in his way...

Bugs of the World

LIVE AT FENNER NATURE CENTER Did you know that cricket’s ears are on its knees? Or that a fly has taste buds on its feet? Come visit Fenner Nature Center to learn all about bugs. The MSU Bug House will be bringing both live and pinned specimens. Register at the door, which will open a half-hour before the show. Seating...

Do Birds Get “Goose” Bumps?

Goose bumps appear on many mammals when they are cold or afraid. Bumps appear at the base of the body hair making it stand up straight. The medical term for goose bumps on a person is cutis anserine. The reflex of producing goose bumps is known as horripilation, piloerection, or the pilomotor reflex.The name common name...

The Art of Silent Flight in Slow Motion!

"Nature does nothing uselessly." ~Aristotle(384 BC - 322 BC), PoliticsSilent flight not only adds to the owl's mystique, it serves the very practical purpose of sneaking up on its prey.Owls' wings are designed to allow them to fly in almost absolute silence. Owls have broad wings with large surface areas that help them...