Why is that elephant sitting on a nest? As far as I know, elephants are not known to be tree climbers so I'm guessing it's a photoshopped image. I don't have any information about the source of this image but I thought it was cute and it reminded me of one of my favorite books Horton Hatches the Egg.
I have a view of the parking lot at the Wild Birds Unlimited store in East Lansing. And besides watching the birds and squirrels, I watch people trudge back and forth to their cars. I say "trudge" because they seem to walk mainly with their head down looking at their feet. When I watch some of the regular employees at the other stores in our complex plod in to work I feel like running outside and telling them to look up or around. The natural world is a beautiful place full of miracles and you never know when you might see an elephant in a tree.
Enjoy the day!
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