International Migratory Bird Day & Be a Tourist in Your Own Town

Location: Potter Park ZooSaturday, June 2, 2012 - 9:00am - 6:00pmPrice: General Admission.Get a Be A Tourist passport, and admission is FREE! Migratory Bird Day (IMBD) is a celebration! It celebrates spring, and with it the return of millions of migratory birds to their...

Wild Birds Unlimited has the Best Bird Food in Town!

Cardinals and Goldfinches love no-mess!For seed eating birds in Michigan studies indicate that Black-Oil Sunflower, Fine and Medium Sunflower Chips, Peanuts, White Proso Millet, Safflower, and Nyjer® Thistle are among the most preferred seed types. At the East Lansing Wild Birds Unlimited store, customers’ and birds’...

Dobsonfly: Large brown bark-colored bug with huge pinchers

The Dobsonfly is attracted to lights at night so it’s not unusual to see an adult in front of the East Lansing Wild Birds Unlimited store from May until August. The first one I saw was at least a couple inches long with long scary looking pinchers coming out his mouth. Yesterday I took a photo of this female after I moved...

Big, noisy, brown birds in spring

What are those big, loud, gray or brown birds at the feeder? ~ East Lansing, MIAdult and baby starlingA lot of baby birds fledge from the nest in camouflage colors of dark grays or browns. Then usually after a few weeks their adult plumage develops.In the spring you’ll probably hear baby starlings before you see them....

Patriotic Red, White and Bluebird

Male Eastern Bluebird Photo by William H. MajorosFemale Eastern BluebirdA North American bird attracted readily to birdhouses in Michigan if they are in the right habitat which includes open fields and meadow edges is the Eastern Bluebird. This stunning bird has a bright rusty red chest, white belly and sky blue back that...

Black and white bird walking upside down on a tree trunk

White-breasted Nuthatch Sitta carolinensis Description:Large nuthatch with blue-gray upperparts, black crown and nape, and white face and underparts. Tail is dark with white corners. Female is grayer.General:The White-breasted Nuthatch is a common bird of deciduous forests and wooded urban areas. Known as the “upside...

What’s the best bee-proof hummingbird feeder?

Hello, I've been having a problem with honeybees taking over my hummingbird feeders over the past week. Fortunately, none of my feeders are leaking. Do you have any tips you can share that would allow me to convince the bees to move on to the flowers in my garden, and to help my hummingbirds gain access to their feeders...

Photo Share: Wood Thrush

The Wood Thrush is a shy, brown bird with a speckled breast that you are most likely to see running around your yard during spring and fall migration.Photo by Steve MaslowskiCornell’s Lab of Ornithology website AllAboutBirds.orgwrites, “The Wood Thrush is a consummate songster and it can sing “internal duets” with itself....
5-21 MaySo far the spring season for us has been rather dismal for migrants. But then again I do live on Cape Cod, not a great place for spring bird migration, especially on the outer cape. I should know better but I always get pumped up only to be disappointed! If I want a place hopping with birds, I guess I should move...