Wild birds are my pets

I thought this Cardinal was looking at me like, "ya gotta minute to fill a feeder here?" ~ Lansing, MII think you're right. Does anyone have any more captions for the pho...

What’s the best suet for Michigan wild birds?

Now I know which seeds my birds like but how do you know what is the best suet? ~ Eaton Rapids, MichiganWhen you come into Wild Birds Unlimited - East Lansing, MI you can choose from a variety of high quality seed and suet cakes that will attract a wide number of different bug eating birds like woodpeckers, chickadees,...

How to have more colorful birds at your feeder

For more colorful birds in the spring, feed your birds better-quality food in the fall. Most backyard birds, with the exception of American Goldfinches, go through only one full molt a year in the fall. They replace their tired old feathers with a new set that will last until next fall. You may have noticed that the European...

Solving the Mysteries of Migration with Wind Tunnels

Researchers that want to study migrating birds have problems gathering data on what birds eat, when or if they have pit stops, and the effect of the weather. One solution to this problem was to build a $1.5 million wind tunnel to study a captive bird’s metabolism and flight. Researchers can adjust temperature, humidity...

Great Horned Owl Juvenile Rescued from Starving Slowly

Hi everyone, I wanted to share these pictures and tell you how they came to be. This little guy (Great Horned Owl) was sitting on my sidewalk in front of my house. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. So of course I ran in grabbed my camera and took a bunch of pictures Then I started calling every rehab center I could...

Black and White Bird with Red Head

My husband kept telling me we had a Red-headed woodpecker at the feeder while I was at work. I was so excited about having a new bird at the feeder until I realized he was talking about our very frequent visitor, the red-bellied woodpecker. He said that that was a dumb name and that he was still going to call him...

How much food a chipmunk can hold in his mouth

Thank you for your interesting blog! I have been feeding chipmunks in my yard for the last four years. They are adorable and fascinating to watch. I am curious to know how much food can they fit in their cheek pouches? I could find no volume measurements while researching chipmunks. However I have personally observed...

"The place to observe nature is where you are."—John Burroughs

Hi. This summer I was blessed with a new family of bluebirds – mom and dad, and SIX fledglings. Just incredible; they're the first bluebirds I ever got to "know" (photos of some kids and mom/dad above). - Molly in Decatur,...

The Best Peanut Feeders

Does WBU carry bird nuts?  I'm in the UK now and have been watching birds eating bird nuts from a wire cylinder. Then in the Pound Store (our Dollar Store) I found bags of them for one pound. They looked like oddly shaped peanuts with the red skin still on. SueWild Birds Unlimited - East Lansing, MI sell peanuts in...

What are those bur seeds that stick to my dog's fur?

Now that fall is almost here you'll notice a lot of plants are trying to spread their seed. Blue Jays carry acorns far from their parent trees. Goldfinches spread lots of flower seeds. Cedar Waxwings spread fruit seeds.And if you take a walk in the woods you may pick up hitchikers on your socks. Those annoying burs that...

Wild Birds Unlimited mid-Michigan blog anniversary

Three years ago today I started to blog. I just felt the need to answer some common questions people were asking over the phone or in person at the Wild Birds Unlimited stores.  I'm still answering questions, now more than ever. When I started to Facebook and Twitter in January, the blog's readership grew like...

Types of Bird feathers

Every time I go to fill the feeders in the fall I see that the birds are dropping feathers all around. Long stiff feathers, short fluffy feathers, gray, blue, yellow… There are several different kinds of feathers which serve several different functions and now that the birds are going through a molt you can take a closer...

Chimney Swift fun facts

Chimney Swift Chaetura pelagica Chimney Swifts are small, all dark swifts with a reputation for flying fast.They are most conspicuous as they forage on warm summer evenings as huge flocks migrate mid-September.Swifts fly almost constantly. They bathe and drink by skimming water surfaces.They don’t perch...

Best beginner bird feeders at Wild Birds Unlimited

My niece and her new husband are moving in to their first house and I want to give them a bird feeder. What would you recommend for a family just starting the bird feeding hobby. I want a good quality feeder that won't fall apart in 3 months but nothing big. ~ Holt, MIThe Wild Birds Unlimited (WBU) East Lansing, Michigan...

"Where flowers bloom, so does hope" ~ Lady Bird Johnson

Claudia Alta "Lady Bird" Taylor 3yrsAnniversary of the Highway Beautification ActClaudia Alta Taylor, later known as Lady Bird Johnson was nicknamed in childhood by a nurse that declared she was as "purty as a ladybird". The reference was actually to the black and red ladybird beetles we call commonly "ladybug" in Michigan....

Should I fill my hummingbird feeder up all the way?

I know you wrote you leave your hummingbird feeder up until you haven’t seen a hummer for two weeks. I’m leaving my feeders up later than I usually would and I’m pleased that I’m getting these occasional fat hummingbirds like you said. I bought the saucer style feeder that you recommended as the best, but I don’t...

Effects of Hurricanes & Storms

8/30/11- 9/5/11Tropical Storm Irene hit Cape Cod on Sunday 28 August. I was hoping to band the next day possibly capturing a species not typically found in our area, but instead spent four hours alone that morning resetting nets and cleaning up debris. We set our nets low the day before the storm hoping they wouldn’t get...