It's time to Prepare Your Yard for Fall Bird Feeding

I hope everyone enjoys this upcoming Labor Day Weekend. I usually take advantage of the extra day to do some fall cleaning in the yard. I want the birds that winter in Michigan to find a refuge in my backyard during the harsh winter months. I prepared a checklist to help you make sure your yard is ready too.Preparing...

Northern Cardinals Flock in the Fall

We have a lot of bluebirds here in Charlotte however this time of year it seems we are swarmed with Cardinals. ~ Donna Charlotte/Waxhaw, NC  I so love it when people tell me their observations about what’s going on in their yard. I'm sure many people are very jealous. Northern Cardinals are the most sought after birds...

Cardinal Bird Feeders Made in the USA

Do "they" make cardinal feeders the birds will use but not put 95% of the seeds (black oil sunflower) on the ground?  I attached a screen to the bottom of my feeder and now only the little birds visit - and of course empty the feeder onto the screen looking for small seeds. ~ JonBirds look for the very best seeds....

Sunflowers Up-close: The Strange Journey of an American Plant

Native to Central America, the Sunflower was one of the first plants cultivated by humans for food, medicine, dye, and fiber for clothing and building materials. According to the National Sunflower Associationthe earliest known domesticated sunflowers north of Mexico were found in Tennessee, and dated to around 2300 BC....

End of July and Fall migration

27 July- 27 AugThe last week in July was busy with fledged birds. We handled 153 birds of 22 species in just two days as we sampled birds for ticks. Our first Orchard Oriole for the year was banded on 25 July, a hatch year of unknown sex.The bird was captured with a group of Baltimore Orioles. Orchard Orioles are...

Feeding and Raising Bluebirds

Two good questions about Eastern Bluebirds in late summer:Two beautiful bluebirds nested and raised the babies on my back porch this late spring/early summer.  After the babies were grown and sent out into the world all the bluebirds are gone from my yard…where did they go?  I thought I’d be able to watch them...