When do you put up bird houses?

I was thinking of putting up a birdhouse this year so my kids can watch. When am I supposed to do that? What would birds do if we didn’t put up a birdhouse?It's never too early or too late to put up a bird house. If you listen, you’ve probably already noticed the excitement in the air. Every day the sun is rising a little...

Please, DO NOT Collect Dryer Lint for the Birds!

Offering birds construction material to build a nest is just one more way for you to attract a wider variety of bird activity to your yard. But I’ve been hearing several people say that they are saving their dryer lint for nesting material this spring.I’d like to say that we DO NOT recommend dryer lint. There may be perfumes...

What Triggers Birds to Sing?

There is still a lot of snow on the ground but you may have noticed that as the days get longer, the birds are beginning to sing more. What triggers this change in behavior?A key part of a bird’s brain is affected by seasonal change. When birds are exposed to longer days, the cells start to release a thyroid-stimulating...

Are Horned Larks Common in Mid-Michigan?

Hi, I was in the East Lansing location this afternoon and was trying to describe the new bird at my house. Hope these pictures can aid in his identify. Thanks for your help. I live in Charlotte. The tinkling songs of the Horned Larks on the side of the road and fields are a sure sign that another spring has arrived....

How to get the perfect photograph of a bird's nest

Cherry Kearton standing on his brother Richard's shoulders and taking a photograph of a bird's nest in 1890. Cherry Kearton (1871-1940); Richard Kearton (1862-1928) The brothers were pioneers of wildlife photography. In 1899 they published 'With Nature and a Camera' illustrated with 160 photographs. Richard went on to...

Do I need to clean my bird feeder?

Imagine you're going out to your favorite restaurant. When you first went there the it was brand new and clean. Now you go in and they give you a water glass that's dirty, and when you peek into the kitchen you see the chef cut up a moldy tomato for a salad. Hopefully you've notice the change in the place before...

What is the Largest Recorded Snowflake?

Mother Nature gave us a taste of spring and then dumped 10 inches of snow on everyone in mid-Michigan. The flakes in my area were quite large and made me wonder how large can a snowflake grow? According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the largest snowflake ever recorded was 15 inches wide and 8 inches thick!...

Can Squirrels and Birds Eat Together?

Hi! I love your blog :) I have a question about squirrels and birds. I have one big bird feeder and several smaller ones in my backyard. They are placed apart (2 are on the same tree). It is a smallish yard. However all I get are squirrels! I counted 7 yesterday. I really don't mind feeding them and the bunnies that come...

The Bald Eagle is the National Symbol of the USA: What are some other Countries' National Birds

The United States started the trend for national birds when it made the Bald Eagle its avian representative over 200 years ago. Eagles are symbols of power and majesty. Is it any wonder that our national bird is the Bald Eagle?Have you ever wondered what are the national birds of other countries? Some chose bold fierce...

Is the Northern Goshawk Rare in Michigan?

Hello Sarah, I had a weird bird in my yard too. It was bigger than a Cooper’s Hawk and had a flat head. I’ve never seen it before and I pulled out my Birds of Michigan field guide. I think it’s a Northern Goshawk. It’s a large, dark hawk with a black hat or crown of feathers. The belly is light gray and the back is dark...

How can small birds fly in strong winds?

The stronger the winds, the more energy the bird expends in flying. When the high winds hit like they did yesterday in mid-Michigan, a bird can exhaust itself fighting the turbulence. But they can't afford to stop on every windy day or they would starve to death.These are the days your feeders may be empty for long...

The Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) Instructions

The Great Backyard Bird Count is an annual 4-day event during the third weekend of February that engages bird watchers of all ages in counting birds to create a real-time snapshot of the bird population. You may find it helpful to print a regional tally sheet so you have a list of birds you’re likely to see in your area...

Why does that Bird Keep Flying into the Window?

Smack! I have a cardinal that is battling his reflection on my windows. It started last spring when I’m sure his hormones compelled him to defend his territory against the rival spotted in the glass.I kept the shades down a lot, and that helped. I had this happen once before but it usually stops after a few days. When...

How Do Birds Lay Eggs?

Bird courtship is generally the male’s responsibility and usually entails singing but can also consist of many other activities like drumming or dancing. During breeding season, the male's testes which lie within their body at the end of each kidney become several hundred times larger than normal to produce sperm which...

Is it “Titmice” or “Titmouses”?

How do you spell the plural of Titmouse. Google shows it both ways-- which is correct? ~ Boston, MassachusettsTufted Titmouse on Seed Cylinder FeederInteresting, I’m not sure if there is a correct answer. Tit is an old English word meaning little and mase meant small bird. The name titmase morphed eventually into...

Love and the Birds: The Origin of St. Valentine's Day

On February 14, Americans celebrate love and friendship by exchanging cards, flowers, and candy. Although the origins of Saint Valentine's Day are murky, the romance we associate with the day may spring from the medieval belief that birds select their mates on February 14. " For this was on seynt Volantynys day, Whan euery...

What are Lovebirds?

Image via WikipediaRosy-faced Lovebird eating from a seed-block in Scottsdale, ArizonaThere are nine species of small and stocky parrots called Lovebirds. Eight are native to Africa and one species lives in Madagascar. But you may also recognize them as one of the most popular pet birds. These brilliantly colored small...

Birdwatching: How to Prepare Your Yard for Spring

Image by looseends via FlickrEven though there is a foot of snow still on the ground I’m seeing some clues that spring is just around the corner. If you listen you might hear some birds practicing their mating calls. The starlings and some other birds are scouting out nesting sights and so are the squirrels. Red Squirrels...