An all-black penguin spotted on South Georgia Island, outside Antarctica, by National Geographic Contributing Editor Andrew Evans. (National Geographic/Andrew Eva...
Does anyone know what kind of butterfly this is? Thanks in advance.The Orange Oakleaf or Dead Leaf (Kallima inachus) is a nymphalid butterfly found in in forested, lush areas like New Guinea, southern Asia, Madagascar and India. .They look brilliant when their wings lay flat, but when their wings fold up they look like...
I sell a lot of Flippers and the most common complaint is that the squirrels don't try hard enough to get the food from this feeder. They just give up and leave the food for the birds.The video of the squirrel performing acrobatic acts is very intriguing but most squirrels turn tail and run after their first encounter....
I woke up this morning to the screech of a Red-Tailed Hawk (not common in my yard). At first I didn't believe it, but then I heard the kee-eee-arr again. It was at first light but there seemed to be a lot of birds in the yard which is strange if there is a hawk at the feeding station. I searched the tops of the trees and...
Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalusDescription: Large, hawk-like bird with dark brown body and white head and tail. Heavy bill, legs, feet, and eyes are yellow. Sexes are similar. Juvenile is dark brown with variable white mottling on wings and tail for the first four years of life.General: Today, according to the U.S....
It is entertaining and educational to watch birds as they go through the many stages of their lives, including choosing a nest site, making the nest, laying eggs, feeding their hatchlings, and then, watching the fledglings as they venture out on their own.Many people are choosing to bring this experience up close by placing...
Dear Wild Birds Unlimited mid-Michigan,Earth Hour is upon us! Together, we have grown the movement in over 120 countries and all 50 states to include millions of people and thousands of communities and landmarks. Tomorrow night at 8:30pm local time, the world will unite in the largest mass action in history to call for...
Dear Wild Birds Unlimited mid-Michigan,My name is Laura Burkholder and I’m the new leader of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s NestWatch project. As you may know, collecting information about nesting birds is what NestWatch is all about. .The new season is just getting underway--and we need friends like you to help gather...
Hummingbirds are affectionately referred to as Nature’s Jewels because of their iridescent qualities and beauty. The new Jewel Box Window Feeder allows you to bring these beautiful birds up close for viewing.The bright red cover will attract hummingbirds. Once there, the HighView™ perch invites them to rest comfortably as they drink from any of three...
When you are looking for a new feeder make sure it is easy to fill and easy to clean. This is especially important in a hummingbird feeder which should be cleaned and refilled with sugar water at least once a week and more often during warmer weather.My favorite hummingbird feeder is the original Wild Birds Unlimited (WBU)...
Are you waiting anxiously for the hummingbirds now that the weather looks like it might be getting warmer?The most frequently asked question this month has been when to put out the hummingbird feeders?In mid-Michigan you have to pay your taxes and put out your hummingbird feeders by April 15th. You can track the migration...
In the spring, should I stop feeding the birds so they will not depend on me for food?Spring and Summertime is a great time to feed birds. You may see different birds at your feeders during summer than you do during winter. And many, such as finches and warblers, may sport their vibrant spring and summer plumage spreading...
That is a good question! The American Goldfinch is one of my favorite backyard songbirds because of its butterfly like flight and delicate song.Many customers think that goldfinches disappear in the winter. Actually, in the fall, all the goldfinches molt into an olive brown plumage. During the winter months both male and...
This little fellow looks forlorn. Maybe he's waiting for spring to arrive.Mike GrimmFowlerville, MI.I think he must have known more about the severe spring weather ahead than we d...
Wild Birds Unlimited joins the growing list of supporting businesses that are committing to take a stand by turning the lights out on pollution and creating a cleaner, safer and more secure future.Earth Hour, which takes place Saturday, March 27th at 8:30 p.m. local time, is an event in which millions of Americans will turn out their lights for one...
Proclamation by Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm.Whereas, A wholesome diet of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains promotes good health and reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, and other chronic diseases, which take the lives of approximately 1.3 million Americans each year; and,.Whereas, The number...
Gary Fortcher: Guest Blogger from WBU Oakdale, NYThere is a Pigeon population around our center. Pigeons and sparrows. That's all I have (not to mention the Long Island bird - the seagull).And I feed them with a small hopper feeder just to draw attention to the store. No one has complained so far. I tell people I'm just...
I hope everyone has caught up with the spring forward we did last weekend. Spring is just around the corner. Are you ready? If you haven’t already prepared your yard, I made a spring cleaning checklist to help.Preparing Your Yard for the Spring: 1. Provide Nesting Spots- Place nest boxes and nesting material out for bluebirds,...
By Mail Foreign Service 17th March 2010This tiny starling didn't stand a chance after a hungry bald eagle chose it as a mid-air snack. These incredible pictures are from Photographer Rob.Palmer in Littleton, Colorado.The 56-year-old said: "I noticed a group of eagles sitting in the trees and then I spotted they were catching...
I have a couple of bird houses that wrens nested in last year. Will they come back to nest in the same place and is now a good time to clean out the old nest?If you haven’t already cleaned out your birdhouses, that should be done as soon as possible. To clean the nest box I usually place a plastic bag over the nest and...
As you might imagine, migration takes a toll on the birds. It is not uncommon for birds to lose one-fourth to one-half of their body weight as they migrate thousands of miles. Before the journey north to their breeding grounds birds accumulate fat to help maintain their energy reserves. Sometimes, however, reserves are...
The State of the Birds: 2010 Report on Climate Change, follows a comprehensive report released a year ago showing that that nearly a third of the nation's 800 bird species are endangered, threatened or in significant decline.“For well over a century, migratory birds have faced stresses such as commercial hunting, loss...
I just saw my first Red-Winged Blackbird of the year! What should I be feeding him? Bath, MII’m so glad you are appreciating your Red-Winged Blackbirds! People usually ask me how to get rid of blackbirds.Winter is my favorite season but we all know February feels like the longest month and by March you’re anxious for any...
Celebrate Spring’s Return at Fenner Nature Center’sMAPLE SYRUP FESTIVALSaturday & Sun March 20 & 21, 11am to 4pmAfter an especially long and cold winter, the occurrence of this year’s vernal equinox is something to celebrate. Fenner’s annual event features more stuff to do than ever!Here are some of the FREE activities...
The delight of seeing so many active and energetic birds at your feeders makes feeding the birds a real joy during this time of the year.That joy is available to everyone. By providing just a few simple things, such as fresh foods, clean water and shelter, the birds in your yard will bring you many hours of happiness and...
I think Spring might be springing here. The snow melted next to the front of the house and the Crocus woke up to sing Hello. It makes me feel so happy to see the plants come back. P.Z. in Lansing,...
Purple Martin Progne subisOrder: PASSERIFORMES Family: Swallows (Hirundinidae).Description:The largest of the North American swallows, Purple Martins have glossy, purple-black plumage. Adult females are less colorful, with gray necks, foreheads, and underparts, but nearly as purple on their backs as adult males. A group...
Ten Reasons Why People Fail to Attract Purple Martins by James R. Hill, III, Purple Martin Conservation Association Over one million North Americans maintain housing for Purple Martins. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of these folks successfully attract breeding martins. Below is a list of the top ten reasons why...
Here are four ways to keep squirrels off your bird feeder: Squirrel resistant feeders- The easiest way to feed the birds and not the squirrels is to have a squirrel resistant feeder. Now I know people come in to Wild Birds Unlimited all the time and say they don’t work, but ours do and most come with a lifetime guarantee!...
Michigan is the home to over 400 species of birds. This includes birds that are here only in the winter, year-round, only in the spring and summer, and those that pass through Michigan to reach nesting ground further north and wintering ground further south.Birds of Michigan by Ted Black is a good book to have around if...