Counting on Birds

The Great Backyard Bird Count gears up for its annual event.Wild Birds Unlimited is proud to be a major sponsor of the annual Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) which takes place the third weekend in February. This is a joint project between the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the National Audubon Society.Anyone can take...

Another Video

... with starlings (at least I think they're starlings)~Priscillapowerlinerflyers from wes johnson on Vimeo.Thank you Priscilla for sharing the link to this fabulous vid...

Wood Duck Nest Box

I need to replace a Wood Duck house. Can you give me a little more information?You sound like a responsible landlord. The most important thing to consider when deciding whether or not to put up a Wood Duck nest box, is maintenance. That includes cleaning out the box annually in the fall, adding new wood chips in the spring...

Is it too early to put up a birdhouse?

I was thinking of putting up a birdhouse this year so my kids can watch. When am I supposed to do that? What would birds do if we didn’t put up a birdhouse?It's never too early or too late to put up a bird house. If you listen, you’ve probably already noticed the excitement in the air. Every day the sun is rising a little...

Wolf Moon: If you think the Moon looks unusually big, you're right.

Wow, the clear sky Friday allowed a perfect view of the biggest full moon of 2010 and listening to the neighbors dog barking all night reminded me that the Native Americans call it a wolf moon because the hungry wolves howled at the full moon on cold winter nights.The January 29, 2010 moon was about 14 percent wider and...

Who was Roger Tory Peterson?

Roger Tory Peterson unlocked the world of birds for millions of people with his field guides that revolutionized birdwatching."The philosophy that I have worked under most of my life is that the serious study of natural history is an activity which has far-reaching effects in every aspect of a person's life. It ultimately...

Filling Up on Fatty Foods

In the beginning of the year many of us are thinking about how to lose some of those extra holiday pounds. Maybe we’ll commit to exercise more and promise ourselves to watch what we eat by cutting down on fatty foods. .But for the birds, winter is the time when high fat foods become more critical in a bird’s diet. Every...

Where Should I Go to Find Bird Information Fast?

If I wanted to teach a short course about birds to beginners, where would you suggest I go to find more information?Cornell Lab of Ornithology has a wealth of information at things the site has to offer that might interest you are:All About Birds: a great bird guide that lets you find information...

Am I Already Seeing Baby Squirrels?

I think I’m seeing a baby squirrel already at my feeder or maybe it’s just super small. It looks like a regular squirrel except for the small size and it’s always crying. What do you think?Lansing, MIIs it cute as a button but angry at the whole world and guarding all the food even from squirrels twice it size?That’s probably...

When Do I Stop Feeding the Birds?

Hi there, my family put a bird feeder in our backyard this winter and we have enjoyed watching the birds (and squirrels) that visit. The last few days have been unseasonably warm and all of the snow has melted in our neighborhood. My husband filled the bird feeder yesterday and this sparked a good-natured disagreement...

Amazing Video of European Starlings

How do thousands of European Starlings fly without colliding?Now that the desk is by the window in the Wild Birds Unlimited East Lansing store, I watch the massive flocks of starlings perform incredible aerial displays above the busy Lake Lansing Rd. I started to wonder why the birds never crash into each other or how...

They Had Stars Upon Thars!

The European Starling Sturnus vulgaris molt their feathers in the fall and the new feather tips are whitish, giving the bird the appearance of “stars” covering their body. Over the winter sunlight and weather dulls the speckled look and the bird becomes uniform dark brown or black.Both sexes also have reddish brown legs,...

The Trials of Living in a Bird Store

My boys are the best but let's face it, they’re 'fraidy cats. (I’m talking about my cats Jay Bird “JB” and Eli “Blue Birdie”) We occasionally get birds in the Wild Birds Unlimited East Lansing store. This isn't because we have massive amounts of the best bird food.The starlings were here before we opened the store a few...

It's National Squirrel Appreciation Day! Are You Ready?

Is there such a thing as a squirrel feeder? East Lansing, MIIsn't every feeder a squirrel feeder? Sorry, yes there're feeders specifically made to feed squirrels, and thank you for such an appropriate question on National Squirrel Appreciation Day.Origin of Squirrel Appreciation Day:Christy Hargrove from Asheville, North...

How Many Species of Squirrels are in Michigan?

Michigan Squirrel SpeciesThere are eight members of the squirrel family living in mid-Michigan. They are all omnivores (eating seeds, insects, fruit, and nuts) except the woodchuck which is an herbivore (eating grasses and dandelions).1. Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger)Usually observed in yards or traveling electric lines....

How do Birds Survive Natural Disasters?

What do birds do to protect themselves from natural calamities, apart from migrating or so? ~ SupreethaLike humans, birds have to contend with natural disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, bad weather and fire as well as manmade catastrophes like wars, oil spills and pollution. Unfortunately even with several...

Snapshot of a Red-bellied Woodpecker

I'm watching a red-bellied woodpecker bouncing around my tree like crazy. Do you think he's in distress or maybe just playing around? Holt, MII love to watch Red-bellied Woodpeckers. They can be real characters and always seem to be goofing around. .But what seems like erratic bouncing around to us is how they practice...

What is Michigan's smallest bird?

At 2.8–3.5 inches long and weighing 0.1–0.2 oz the Ruby-Throated Hummingbird Archilochus colubris is the smallest bird that nests in Michigan.What is North America's smallest bird?At 3 inches long and weighing 0.1 oz, the Calliope Hummingbird Stellula calliope is North America's smallest bird. It nests in mountain areas...

Live at Fenner: An Animal Experience with Preuss

A program for all ages at Fenner Nature Center.Saturday, January 23, 2010 1-3 pm Madagascar hissing cockroaches, tarantulas, bearded dragons, monitors, and hedgehogs! Learn about their habits, where they live, what they eat, and how they survive in their environment.$5/person, $15 family Special rate for FOFNC members:...

Camouflaged Titmouse Fits Right In

The Tufted Titmouse Baeolophus bicolor is an attractive bird with big black eyes. Its feathers are gray above, white below, with red/brown side flanks. This makes perfect camouflage. The adults also have a black area above the bill that the juveniles lack.Breeding pairs like to remain close together year round, even when...

Anything New or Interesting at the Store?

Last month we sold a lot of these brand new No/No feeders. They are cute, little mesh sunflower seed feeders that are good for beginning birdwatchers or for people that need a good small feeder.Advantages of the NO/NO Seed Ball Wild Bird Feeder• NO Wood and NO Plastic: high-quality metal construction• Holds 1.25lbs of...

Terrified Geese Have Eyes on the Sky

I was walking my dog along the Grand River in Lansing, MI when all of a sudden the geese started hugging the side of the river looking terrified. A huge shadow passed over and when I looked up I was surprised to see a Bald Eagle flying above me. Is that normal to have eagles in the area? Lansing, MIWow, what a sighting!...

Please Help Us Identify This Bird!

Hi, I am a WBU customer and love watching our birds. Since August we have been delighted to see this wonderful bird I think is a female cardinal. Some friends have said it is a cedar wax wing. What do you think? It is in the company of cardinals, eats from a platform or perched on a feeder. Thanks! Haslett, MII love questions...

How Not to Kill a Mockingbird Guarding Your Feeders Too Aggressively

This question came to me via Twitter:To me: @birdsunlimited Any suggestions for a territorial mockingbird that won't allow other birds near feeder in this freezing weather in Atlanta? Thks!My reply: Can you describe the feeder? Is it a mealworm feeder? Are they eating their fill and moving on or guarding it all day?..To...

Who is Jack Frost?

Jack Frost is an elf from Scandinavian legend that was named Jokul Frosti, meaning Icicle Frost by the Norse Vikings. The son of the Nordic wind god Kari, he became Jack Frost after his story arrived in England. He is renowned for his artistic talents of painting beautiful frost designs on windows and plants late at night....

Is there a bird without feathers?

No, the biggest difference between birds and other animals is that birds have feathers. Every bird has feathers and every animal that has feathers is a bird. A Whistling Swan, in winter has the most with about 20,000 individual feathers. And the what bird has the fewest feathers? That distinction goes to the Ruby-throated...

How Can a Woodpecker Eat Frozen Suet?

I'd like to attract woodpeckers, but if I put out suet how are the birds supposed eat it when it freezes so hard in the winter? Williamston, MI.I think your answer lies in the birds name. Woodpeckers, as their name suggests, peck on the wood of trees to look for or hide tasty treats, and to build nests. In addition to...

The Chickadee: Nature’s Backyard Charmer

Chickadees may be the most beloved birds that visit our backyards, but their seemlessly neverending energy and inquisitive nature are only part of what makes these birds fun to watch.Chickadees:• are easily identified by their namesake call “chick-a-dee.”• weigh less than half an ounce.• are generally monogamous and stay...

Satkosia Wildlife Sanctuary (Angul Side)

Mrs Iyer asks Raja Chauhary, an aspiring wildlife photographer about his next venture towards the end of the movie ,Mr and Mrs Iyer. Raja answers “Lobang , a forest in Orissa on the banks of a gorge full of Crocodiles on river Mahanadi ” .“My my where is this place” I asked myself.I never knew that this line would create...