Other feathers act as sensors. Filoplumes are bare except for a few barbs. They grow around contour feathers and may help birds sense the position of feathers in flight. Bristle feathers look like little stiff hairs and grow around some birds’ beaks or eyes. Bristles may help birds such as swallows catch prey by funneling insects toward the mouth. They may also protect the eyes. Woodpeckers have bristles over their nostrils that help keep wood chips out. Bristles may also act like a cat’s whiskers helping a bird feel what’s around it.
Because feathers are critical for flight and insulation, birds keep them well-maintained, especially in the winter. After a bath the birds obtain oil from the uropygial gland and reapply it with their bills to straighten and waterproof their feathers.
Some birds that don't have the preen gland like pigeons and herons also grow powder down feathers. These feathers grow continuously and never molt. Instead the barbs at their tips constantly disintegrate into a fine, talc-like, water-resistant powder.
Related articles:
Why Birds don't Freeze After They Take a Bath in the Winter: http://bit.ly/mPa0Y8
How small birds stay warm in the winter: http://bit.ly/q3dDqj
Bald bird: http://bit.ly/nmAoXV
Why birds molt: http://bit.ly/ox5Hwi
Blue Jays aren't blue: http://bit.ly/pMN37kFeather photo: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Parts_of_feather.jpg
Feather Structure: http://www.birds.cornell.edu/AllAboutBirds/studying/feathers/feathersClipart courtesy FCIT http://etc.usf.edu/clipart
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