Foods will generally be fine for at least 3-4 months if stored properly. All foods should be stored in a cool, dry place –during the fall and winter, the garage is often the best place. Wild Birds Unlimited has closed steel containers that work well to protect seed from unwanted seed thieves or bad weather. Don’t just dump new seed on top of old. It’s best to keep the seed in its original bag to make sure the older seed is used before you open a newer bag.
What's actually more important is how long you let food remain in feeders. In the rainy fall, at the very least, feeders can get clogged with wet seed and at worse the seed could be moldyand cause the birds sickness. So, in between rain drops, take a quick peek at your feeders, especially your goldfinch feeders, and toss out any moldy seed, suet, fruit, or nectar, and make sure your feeders are clean.
Remember, birds give us a lot of pleasure as we watch them eat, so let’s provide them a safe and clean feeding station at all times. Feeders should also be cleaned at least once a month, year round. Wild Birds Unlimited - East Lansing - will clean your feeder for $5.00. Or you can purchase professional cleaners like Scoot or Poop-Offat Wild Birds Unlimited, or use a mild one part vinegar to nine parts water solution to clean all of your feeders. Disassemble feeders and immerse them completely for three minutes. Scrub with brushes (we have these too), rinse thoroughly, and let air dry.

You’ve got me thinking. Thank you for your honest answers. I guess I can make a couple trips into Lansing for your seed. My birds keep me happy, so I guess the least I can do is keep them happy. I love your blog and now your store. We come in every time we make a trip to Lansing. It was like having a bird catalog come alive the fist time we came in. Have a good day!
Thank you. I look forward to seeing you soon. Sarah
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