Depending on where they live, eagles nest from January - March. Bald Eagles are monogamous and mate for life. Together they build their large nest, called an eyry, at the top of a tall, sturdy tree or they may also nest in a cliff or on the ground in treeless regions.
A new nest averages 2 feet deep and 5 feet across. They are lined with twigs, moss, grass, and feathers. The nest becomes larger each year as the eagles return to breed and add new nesting materials to shore up the old nest. Eventually, some nests reach sizes of more than 10 feet wide and can weigh several tons.
Breeding bald eagles typically lay one to three eggs once a year and they hatch after about 35 days of incubation. Hunting, egg sitting, eaglet feeding and brooding duties are shared by both parents. The young eagles begin flying three months after hatching and are on their own about one month later.
If you missed it, the first egg of the 2011 season was laid at 2:49 pm on February 3rd, 2011. The video below is a recap. The female can be seen drawing pine straw up around herself in preparation, and then settle down covering the egg. Bald eagles most commonly have clutches of two eggs although this pair has frequently had three egg clutches, only time will tell how many eggs we'll see this year.
To see the answers to other frequently asked questions on eagles go to: FAQ
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