If birds were in the summer Olympics

1.  Equestrianism - Originally a bison-following bird of the Great Plains, the Brown-headed Cowbirds learned to ride along with cowboys to feed on weed seeds and insects that cows and horses stir into movement.2.  Running - The fastest-running bird is the ostrich which can run up to 43 mph. The road runner runs...

Blue and orange bird making mud nest

I actually have a barn swallow nesting on my house! The nest construction was amazing. It looked like there were several birds building the nest. How long does she sit on the eggs? ~ Portland, MIBarn Swallows have a steely blue back, head, wings, and tail, and a rufous neck and tan belly. White spots under the scissor...

Study reveals birds and children don't learn in the same way

Aesop's Fable: The Crow and the Pitcher A Crow, half-dead with thirst, came upon a Pitcher which had once been full of water; but when the Crow put its beak into the mouth of the Pitcher he found that only very little water was left in it, and that he could not reach far enough down to get at it. He tried, and he tried,...

When black birds fly south

Now that breeding season is over for Red-winged Blackbirds, they will begin to gather in flocks of all male or all female birds. Northern populations migrate south to the southern United States and Central America beginning as early as August. Even though we’ve had no break in the weather, many birds are feeling a ...

Brown bird on the finch feeder

I caught a glimpse of a brown bird on the finch feeder. It was all brown and had a gray beak. Any ideas? ~ Lansing, MIfemale Indigo BuntingIndigo Buntings are a dark gray or black bird about the size of a goldfinch. When the sun hits the male his feather structure refracts the sun to make him appear a brilliant indigo...

Something fun to do with the kids this summer

It’s been a very long, hot summer so far. Parents and grandparents may be looking for something to do with their little ones over summer break.Aside from trips to the library, museums, theater and pool, it can be difficult to find interesting activities to keep kids entertained. Now might be the time to introduce them...

Where to hang finch feeders

Just bought a new finch feeder. Can I hang it down low in front of my picture window for my cats and family to watch? ~ Lansing, MII’ve found the goldfinches feel more comfortable with the feeder near trees but that isn’t a requirement. I have several feeders hanging from a dogwood and pear tree in the front of the house...

Why are the birds eating so much?

“The kiss of the sun for pardon. The song of the birds for mirth. One is nearer God’s heart in a garden, than anywhere else on this earth."—Dorothy Frances GurneyWorking at Wild Birds Unlimited I hear how hungry the birds are all the time. So first I would like thank  everyone that supports our small business....

Black-headed or bald-headed-vulture-cardinal

I’ve seen a lot of rough looking birds lately with feathers poking up here and there. I know that soon I’ll be getting calls about black-headed or bald birds.Every July and August it is a somewhat common sight to see some bald birds at the feeder in mid-Michigan. Molting, for birds, is usually the periodic replacement...

Midsummer Birds

19 June- 14 JulyThe second half of June was quiet for a time but with the onslaught of baby birds our numbers tripled by the beginning of July. It is then a mad rush to get babies banded and back to the spot where they were captured to reunite with their parents. They were emerging at my home too and I just had to share...

Orange and blue-black robin-like thrush

Varied Thrushes are rare in Michigan. According to the Birds of MichiganField Guide by Ted Black “Varied Thrushes are typically western birds, but a few invariably wander off course each fall and make their way into our region. There are one to three sightings reported in Michigan each year usually at backyard feeders...