They're Back!

Included in this blog are the last two weeks of October that I've divided separately.18-23 OctoberAfter all the moaning and questioning about our lack of Myrtle Warblers (yellow-rumps), they finally showed up in good numbers on the 18th. I imagine by the end of the season we'll have banded only half of what is typical...

Vampire Bird

Image via WikipediaSit down boys and girls and let me tell you a little story about a vampire bird.It is early afternoon and the trees are enjoying the autumn breezes blowing through their leaves. All of a sudden there is a nasal mewing "me-ah" and then a tree finds itself under attack.The distinctive slow irregular drumming...

An owl can turn its head up to 270 degrees

Most birds have eyes at each side of their head. They see a different scene with each eye. But an owl’s eyes are at the front of its head. The owl sees the same scene with both eyes, just as a human does. However, an owl cannot move its eyes in their sockets. In order to see what is beside or behind it, the owl...

Grey colored warbler with grey-black back and bold white wing bars and yellow shoulders and butt

Also known as “Butter Butts” because of their trademark yellow rumps, the Yellow-rumped Warbler is the most abundant and widespread wood-warbler in North America. They are a common migrant in mid-Michigan from August-October and then again in April and M...

A window feeder is the best way to entertain indoor cats

A lot of our customers start bird feeding to entertain their indoor cats. It is a challenge to keep indoor-only animals stimulated and engaged mentally. A window feeder is one solution. Whether you are a city or country dweller, if you have a window you can access, you can put up a window bird feeder. You can choose from...

Online Bird Identification Tool

A lot of the questions I receive deal with identifying birds in peoples’ yards. With just a couple minutes of your time you can help Cornell University build a smart online bird ID tool. When people notice a new bird, the first question they often ask is, "What's that bird's name?" Cornell Lab of Ornithology is building...

Fun Woodpecker Trivia

A. How many species of woodpeckers are in the world?Acorn Woodpecker1020100over 200B. What’s the smallest woodpecker in North America?DownyRed-headedBar-breasted PiculetYellow-bellied SapsuckerC. What is the average life span of a wild woodpecker?4-11 years8-22 years16-44 years32-88 ...

When is bird migration over?

I was wondering if the birds have stopped migrating. ~ Fowlerville, MichiganMigration is never over. There are birds moving all around the world all the time. However spring and fall migration is when a lot of birds shift to different territories. Mid-Michigan has already said good bye to the Ruby-throated Hummingbirds,...

Most common winter birds in Michigan

I'm new to the area. Does Lansing have Cardinals year-round? What birds will I see at the feeder this winter? ~ Lansing, MichgianMid-Michigan is lucky enough to see lots of birds during the long cold winter months. I’ve listed some of the most common birds you’ll see and the food they like at feeders.1. House Sparrow-...

When do I take down the finch feeder?

This is the first year we have had "finch bags" out for our beautiful little friends. My husband has LOVED giving daily finch reports - "there are 10 on there at one time", etc. We were talking this morning and realized we don't know how long to leave the bags/feeders out. Have looked on line and don't find a definitive...