Where does the Woolly Bear go in the winter?

 Image via WikipediaIsabella Tiger MothDoes the length of the black and tan predict whether it will be a harsh winter or not? The length of their black coloration actually depends on the amount of moisture they receive while growing, but no large study has ever been completed to see if they can predict the weather. The...

Is There a Pileated Woodpecker Nest Box?

I am so excited to have a Pileated Woodpecker in my yard this year. Do you sell a nest box for them or have plans so I can make my own? Right now they are eating from your double suet feeder I put up in the spring. Rob I’m so happy you have a regular Pileated Woodpecker visiting. They are very impressive birds! We do have...

Why is the Dove a Symbol of Peace?

First century BCE Mosaic of Scene with Egyptian Columbarium for Breeding Pigeons found in Palestrina beside RomeThat’s a very interesting question. These gentle birds, that mate for life and take care of their young, were used as a peace symbol almost universally from the beginning of recorded history. The birds have always...

When do Canada Geese Migrate in mid-Michigan?

I’m watching the geese fly overhead each day. Are they different flocks (or wedges) migrating through or just birds flying back and forth. ~ Catherine in East Lansing, MI  Image via WikipediaCanada Goose skimming over ice.I would say a little of both. One of the first signs of fall is the shifting flocks of Canada Geese...

How do you choose the best bird feeder?

I want to buy the best birdfeeder as a gift. What do you suggest? There are a lot of feeders to choose from. With over 25 years of research and experience, Wild Birds Unlimited® is proud to offer you the highest-quality birdfeeders and birdfeeding equipment on the market today. Any feeder you choose should be easy to fill...

Stir Crazy Cats at the Store!

* Even J.B. was demanding. With the screen door no longer open the cats have been going stir crazy. I captured a little of their antics. JB was tearing around the store so fast I couldn't get him on video.I hung their stockings and told them they're going to get lumps of coal if they don't behave. Big mistake. Now Dolly...

Fall Trees Reveal Their Secrets

Once the leaves drop, deciduous trees reveal some secrets. I’m looking at the apple tree in the front of the Wild Birds Unlimited - East Lansing store and I see a tiny nest. I heard the babies not too long ago and now I know they began their life not far from the front door.If you are going on a walk look up and see what...

Where do you place finch feeders?

Hi, We recently moved a nyjer feeder that had tons of feeding finches this summer and fall because we realized it was too close to a birdhouse and had discouraged nesters this season. We moved it to a position in our yard, attached to a hangar off a big tree in an open area. Since we moved it, there has been very sporadic...

Wild Turkeys came close to extinction in the 1930s

Image via WikipediaThe Wild Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo), the heaviest member of the Galliformes, is fairly common now. However due to habitat loss and over-hunting, turkeys were once on the way to extinction until conservation organizations were established to preserve and expand their populations. Today wild turkeys...

Fun Facts About Chickadees

- Chickadees are found across much of North America. The more common species include the Black-capped, Carolina and Mountain Chickadees. Image via WikipediaBoreal Chickadee- Chickadees are identified easily by their namesake call “chick-a-dee.”- Only about 20% of the Black-capped’s daily energy intake comes from feeders,...

Why are the Robins Attracted to Water?

Bathing Behavior of the American RobinWhy do the American Robins, Eastern Bluebirds and other birds in the thrush family all seem to frolic in the water more than other backyard birds?They may bathe more than most birds, about twice daily, to remove excessive oil from their feathers. Fluffy feathers provide proper...

Is Frozen Suet OK for Birds?

I don’t know much about birds. Did I read somewhere that birds can’t eat suet if it freezes? ~ RooseveltLearning about birds is so much fun. This blog was set up to answer any questions you have on bird feeding and to share stories and photos. Feel free to e-mail me or come in to any Wild Birds Unlimited stores with your...

Started Small and Ended Big

2-15 NovemberThe first week of November was cold and windy preventing me from opening nets until Saturday the 6th. I got a call the previous Saturday about a hummingbird visiting a feeder so on Tuesday the 2nd I traveled to Wareham to check it out. Bonnie Chapin, the homeowner, was very accommodating. I set my trap...