Railways- An integral part of Barundai

Old Station Hut no more exists I can go on sitting over here My favourite geometrical figure Ruins of Old Railway men's Colony They make India move safelyAnd who can forget the Gang LeaderLast Days Has to go on waving flags--on and on Branch Line to Eternity as described by Bill Aitken My Day comes to an end....

Sunset at Malgudi of Orissa- Baitarani Road

Near Khajuri Nalua Yeh jo desh mera....swadesh meraHere we go off ...river Baitarani at Makundpur SymmetryEnlightened Sun is about to set Orange sky Temple on Kendujhargarh s...

Afternoon in Malgudi of Orissa - Baitarani Road

This is my propertyMeri gaya...... Lehrati yeh hawayen... Soldiers Nimigadiya Sahi( Settlement) Raghu Mamu's House Maa Tarini...Now thats what I call a "po...

Fog and Mist at Malgudi of Orissa- Baitarani Road

Ready to work Dew drops on the Flowers Centre of AttractionOn the Backyard All green Ghost House Colours of Village Temple Road to Barundai Cozy Place to be inBlanket of Fog Morning mist adding to the glory of Lo...